If you have problems with your birds and chickens in summers and give them a cozy cage and residence then follow up the DIY pallet chicken coop tutorial. This little looking bird cage has taken about a week or more to complete with perfect charm and finish. To maintain main and cozy features to it we have used glass window from home scrap, plastic cover for roof, concrete blocks to lift it off the ground, and door hinges. Divide and make easy your work with involvement and help of your children to do it, they would love to it with you.
Arrange a little big amount of pallet wood 4-5 big pallet board will be sufficient for whole makeover and framework of DIY pallet chicken coop. You can find it in surroundings of your home or building under construction, or go straight to DIY store if you lack these options.
It will charge very little amount which will be equal to nothing. Try to find the pallets with some company tags and marks that would be symbol of purity and of being untouched with harmful chemicals.
Well sand the pallet planks so that there would be wood shine on them. Arrange some concrete blocks to lift it over off the ground to avoid spiders and bugs from harming the wood and chickens. Now after fixing the blocks start the framework with pallet boards to make side walls and floor of DIY pallet chicken house. The assembly of structure components can be done by adding nails and screws with some nail gun or screwdriver tool.
That is the side look of our project while controlling and handling the pallets in order to have perfection. You can use OSB board or sheet for roofing purposes or make it with pallets but it would be a little bit time and effort taking but durable in nature. We have found a little glass window from home discarded materials to attach with.
Now go with measured values to avoid wasting of wood and time and complete the structure as given. To attain desired height to work with wood tools you can make use of wood stair. Make some holes for air circulation and attach the door and window with some hinges from hardware store.
At the end we have given it a complete finish by taking view of all sides and have built a fence with green metallic stands for safety of insects and that’s it. You can also try it at home perfectly with given instructions. You can follow the DIY pallet shed, DIY pallet houses and DIY pallet beds tutorials for home need and to try them at home with pallet wood.