If you are a proud homeowner and want to protect your worldly possessions and the security of your family as best you can, this guide is for you. We will list 6 ways you can protect your home and family from financial struggles, losses due to damaged or stolen property, and home break-ins.
From investing in home insurance and a great home warranty agreement to installing a home security system, maintaining your electrical systems, and avoiding DIY home repairs, there are several ways you can avoid home disasters. Finally, by always ensuring your home looks lived-in, you can deter break-ins.

Home Insurance
Home insurance, also known as homeowner’s insurance, is a kind of property insurance that covers a private residence. Homeowner’s insurance might help you to cover the costs of repairing or replacing your home and belongings if they are damaged by specific events, such as fire or theft. Home insurance may also help to pay for repair or replacement if you accidentally damage someone else’s property, or if a visitor in your home is injured.
There are instances when your home insurance will not pay out, so keep these in mind and ensure you do not fall into one of these categories. First, your homeowner’s insurance might not pay out if you do not file your claim promptly. Nor will it pay out if the cause of the property damage falls under an exclusion condition in your policy. This could be termites, mold, or general wear and tear from lack of proper maintenance.
Finally, if you have neglected to pay your insurance premiums, you will not be covered from when the policy lapsed.
Home Warranty
A home warranty is an agreement that is designed to protect your home’s appliances and systems from breakdowns caused by general wear and tear. It is a contract that agrees to provide a homeowner with discounted repair and replacement services for a monthly or annual fee. American Home Shield costs as little as $39.99 a month to cover heating and cooling systems, electrical systems, and plumbing systems. You can pay more to cover more home systems, such as laundry, kitchen appliances, and roof repairs.
You might be wondering how this is different from home insurance. Well, homeowners insurance pays for damages and losses caused by unexpected events like a fire or weather damage, but it will not help you if your washing machine breaks down.

Home Security System
Many of the potential home disasters mentioned above can be offset by installing a great home security system. These systems are designed to protect your property and those inside the home from a burglary or home break-ins, as well as environmental issues such as a fire or burst pipes, and they can help in a medical emergency.
If you put a sign at the entrance to your property that states that you have a home security system in place, you will find that it deters burglars. Moreover, these systems are great for peace of mind for everyone living in your home. Finally, having a home security system in place can also save you money. They reduce home insurance premiums and have energy-saving features.
Regular Maintenance
Another way to cut costs of repairs and replacements and avoid damaged property is by regularly maintaining your home, especially in areas that can lead to big expenses when something goes wrong. Start with your roof, particularly if you live in an area with adverse weather conditions. Roof repair is not cheap and the damages a leak or falling tiles can cause is likely to be very costly.
Moreover, make sure you maintain your electrical systems and have regular checks carried out by professionals. This is the best way to avoid fires and electrical damage. Not only can faulty or worn electrics be costly but they can also be very hazardous.
Finally, keep an eye on your plumbing and have this system maintained by a professional as well. As with the other maintenance areas, you want to avoid damaged property and big repair bills. Stay on top of your systems to avoid financial hardship down the line.
Avoid DIY Home Repairs
As the above points have highlighted, it is always better to leave maintenance and repairs to experts who are licensed and properly trained. Especially if the repair involves electrics or plumbing, or climbing onto a roof, you should not try this yourself. You could void your insurance and what’s more, you could seriously hurt yourself.
Protect yourself, your family, and your home, and call a professional. Poorly-executed electrical repairs are a leading cause of fires in the US. You do not want to put your home and family at risk to save a few dollars.
Make Sure It Always Looks Lived In
Finally, to keep your property safe from break-ins and burglaries, ensure you always leave it looking lived-in. This includes keeping the exterior and lawns well-maintained. On top of this, leave a light on when you go out, or ask a neighbor to water the plants and check your mail while you are on vacation.
You will have seen the movie Home Alone – take it from Kevin! Making the home look lived-in deters break-ins.

This has been a brief guide to protecting your property from issues such as fires, leaks, burglaries, broken-down systems, and costly repairs and replacements. You can do so in a number of ways. Having good homeowner’s insurance and a great home warranty agreement will offset expenses such as repairs and replacements of damaged goods.
Moreover, you can install a top-quality home security system to deter break-ins and get early warning of disasters, such as fires or burst pipes. With regular maintenance and professional repairs, you can ensure your home systems are working properly and are unlikely to cause leaks or damage.
Ensuring your house looks lived-in will deter burglars from trying to enter. If you keep all of this in mind, you can ensure your home is protected and that you and your family are safe from environmental disasters and human errors.