We were searching for a bed frame for our newly build bedroom and want to get it on a budget. We find the shipping pallets very supporting and profitable in achieving our target. We floored some hand washed and painted pallets and gained a rustic DIY pallet platform bed frame out them. After this mannered assortment of pallets on the floor you just need to put up a mattress to get it ready to provide a dreamy sleep.
This was a super quick and handy project of pallet wood which takes much less use of wood cutting tools. We gave this bed frame also a much arresting DIY pallet headboard which gives a complete dominant look to our bed frame. We got all the pallets from some respectable dealers of our town on budget which is equal to just zero. Shipping areas and nurseries are best areas to make you provided with desired supply of pallets. So manage a according stock of pallets and make a chic copy of this whole DIY pallet bed which is just a piece of cake in construction.
We have just washed up the pallets in same board form to remove the unpleasing and ugly gunk from them and then left them in sunshine to be dried well.
We have tiered up the pallets to get a certain height for or bed. All the boards of pallets have been sanded down to remove the splinters and to make a smooth touch.
Then we prepared a water based chalk solution to get a distressed white theme of our bed and painted all boards one by one which was fun and we done it with the help of some close friends.
This is also a very wise to save the wood for a long time so make the pallets recycled with dozens of DIY pallet ideas which are all on a thrifty and cautious budget just like this platform bed.