Rocking in mother’s arms in a cradle really makes the infants sleep faster and sweeter. Because the gentle rocking motion really relaxes the body and hence contribute a lot to a sound and better sleep. And in this modern age, which only demands work, work and work, you really need such resting and comfortable relaxation so that you can focus on your work more actively. That is why to let your body rock we have created this DIY pallet rocking chair for those who really work hard and get tired badly.
This rocking chair comes with a cozy berth seat, long backrest and tow rockers at the legs to let you rock back and forth. When ever you are drooped and want some comfy relaxation just sit on the chair with your head at the back rest top, arms on the armrest and eyes closed and all your tiredness would vanish in some pleasing rocks

Made by: Cliff Howard II