Where there is a will there is a way is the most famous proverb and to your wonder it is applicable here too hinting at if you are resolute to work on some DIY Projects you would surely find many ways to fulfill this purpose. And pallets are one these “ways’ to let you enjoy cost free yet sturdy and stylish furniture pieces for your whole home including the outdoor spaces like garden.
And being the basic need and demand of a garden we have here with this wood pallet garden furniture set so that you can get inspired of and your will to work on DIY plans becomes stronger. The seating set consists of a sofa pair, a cute pallet coffee table in the center and a chair all easily targeted from the pallet slat and dice sections packed quite nicely to each other. The look and design of the seating set resembles to that of the restaurant seating thus making you sit in style and comfort. the finish in choco brown has added more ice to the beauty and style of the seating making it look totally a rustic bistro seating set.

Made by: Namestaj od paleta