Time to make the old things perform some highly functional tasks through pallet projects! We need always some practical examples for understanding so we have brought here this DIY pallet potting bench / work bench made of old pallet boards laying around as a disgusting trash or old material! Finally after a few readjustments, the pallets have been regained into a marvelous potting bench having custom storage shelves underneath for nice pack up of material after a work session!
Here it has been got to do some garden repairs like for adding metal holders to pots, for plant transplanting and also to add the potting soil in the pots! Here an old sink has also been taken into use and really makes it convenient to add potting soil in baskets we are to hang nearby on a clothing rack by means of some metal hooks! This custom potting bench itself comes with a number of shelves that can also be schemed up for stimulating display of your favorite flower pots! A new innovative ways to recycle pallets and old materials of home to excel your garden related tasks!

Made by; Carl Shabbi