Benches are the great way to get close to the green and natural beauty of the garden when ever you have some free time from your busy and dull life. Green plants and gorgeous flowers really freshens us up making our mind and eyes really soothing. But today we would show you a very innovative and creative way to interact with the lovely colorful blooms. What if you can have the flowers around your head and arms and you can touch and smell them sitting on the bench?
Yes with this DIY pallet bench with flower planters this is possible to experience. As we all know that creativity has no ends, the cute gorgeous and really functional pallet projects are the output of an intensely imaginative and genius brain. Pallet slats with dice sections have turned into the middle berth seat part while the pallet skids have been turned into the back structure which at the top edge has pockets to hold the flower pots. Stained in white this double functional bench is sure to dazzle up your spaces.

Made by: Feito de Paletes