Apart from the outdoor furniture there is another thing which is really important to be possessed and that is an outdoor shed. You run short on indoor storage space or you need to store some outdoor accessories like lawn mowers, garden gears and the furniture pieces in the off season, a shed is the perfect spot to house all these things under or in. And with the recycling and free found pallets now you can build this DIY pallet outdoor firewood storage shed of your own creating a very safe and sound housing spot for the outdoor things to get protected from the weather wear and tear.
Pallet wood has been cut into slats of long size to be packed together and form the high raised walls of the shed having been covered with a pallet wood roof and a wooden base installed from the pallet skids. The roof installing can trouble you a bit but the other structure is really easy and simple to build demanding just stacking of the pallet pieces. The rustic look of the shed would add a country side touch to your outdoors no matter which decor type they belong to.

Made by: Meubles Palettes et relooking récup’