There is a huge difference in the interests and activities of the boys and girls even when they are kids. For example the boys are mostly found of trucks, sports cars and motor bike toys to play with while the girls are in immense love with the dolls, doll houses and the mud kitchens. They start acting as ladies and woman from the early age and copying their mothers and sisters so until they are able to manage a real kitchen build them this DIY pallet mud kitchen so that they can satisfy their womanly urges they feel at that time for cooking.
This cute and really functional DIY mud kitchen has been shaped from the pallets with a backboard, steel sinks, a cabinet at the base to enjoy a real kitchen like feel with their tiny utensils and kitchen apparatus to be stored and organized. And as we all know that pink is the color of every girl so it has been stained and finished in the pink and bit green shade for that acute fun look.

Made by: Pallet Art UK