Pallets may also be very helping wooden skids if you need to organize your mail or parcels and also if you want to get rid of the danger of losing your mails or parcels! Build the custom mails organizers, interior wall hanging file organizer and also the parcel boxes with pallets, here is this DIY pallet mailbox or parcel box, as a creative pallet yield, will help you to receive your parcels without any trouble and will also take good care of them in your absence! Just like a mini residence, the design comes with a little room having a chevron roof and a mini opening in front to put the letters in!
Front is also having a hinged door which can opened to receive bigger parcels and is also having a little lock for security reasons! The lower part has been finished with light walnut while the upper chevron roof has been stained in red mahogany stain, this creates a dual toned wooden appeal that is sure to make every looking eyes a fan of it!

Made by Guam’s Pallet Guy