Keys to locks are great functional and technical safety for home, rooms, for our bikes and cars. When we lost any key to a locked item the access to it becomes very difficult and almost impossible without the well set key to it. So we need always an organizer for holding up keys to avoid them from getting lost at the very time of need.
For this fundamental need of every home we have composed this dazzling DIY pallet key rack with hooks for key holding purposes. The idea is through the wood reclaiming, and we have done the same with separated tiny pallet planks. These planks to generate a spectacular dark appearance of keys organizer on wall surface, have been stained with shiny dark wooden shade. The downward ends of these vertically mounted planks have patterned in chevron shape for more craze to it. You can accomplish this keys setting to hallway or entry way wall.
The whole likeable and engrossing mounted rack will also work great as a DIY pallet coat rack and handbags, scarfs and clothes can also be hanged for sudden needs.
The metallic hooks on pure dark wooden surface gives the rack the classy theme, the whole idea has been accompanied through reprocessing and regaining of pallet with hand’s effort made at home in much less time.
The chevron pattern at bottom of the planks gives it unique craze with beautiful random ups and downs to be more captivating and eye-catching in nature.