It feels really irritating and distressing when you enter you home and are welcomed by the mess of shoes scattered here and there. This unpleasant situation occurs when your home lacks some storage console items for the foot ware. But this shoe storage problem has been solved very stylishly and efficiently by a pallet lover as he has created this DIY wooden pallet shoe rack and we can also easily hack this at home to get all our shoes stuff organized at one place.
Pallet wood has been cut down into some pallet slat pieces which have been stacked together to shape the rack layers and the support system of the rack using nails and screws at joints. You can make one rack if your shoe storage is needs are limited but if the shoes are big in number then you can make two racks and enjoin them as one. So with this pallet rack enjoy an immaculate foyer and a rustic touch to the decor.

Made by: Paletsdecora