Shelves are always amazing addition to a home wall and make any room interior functional and also provide extra storage space that really helps in getting a clutter-free environment of home! This time we are to share this DIY pallet double shelf, built like a mini stair! Two shelving levels have been combined horizontally to get this unique ever shelf panel that is sure to give a functional boost to any of your interior accent wall! One can use it in his kitchen to store the spices jars, dishes and other kitchenware!
It can also stay very well on a bathroom wall to put your toiletries on a convenient and visually attractive height level! If you are not using it for any of above discussed cases or purposes then simply add it to your living room to put you items of accent and interest over it! Give this shelf a varnish coat or make it stained just in case if you want a wood tone other than this or want to create more stability to wood!

Submitted by: Hanoq Cajon