It is a famous saying that old is gold and it comes true to the house decor and furnishing too as the classy, old and traditional items still make very enchanting and dominating display in the interiors. This is exactly the reason that still the people want to add a touch of past to their decor and furnishing by copying their favorite era of style and beauty. And the retro or vintage age is also one of them having its own fashion values and trends which have been recreated with this DIY retro style pallet coffee table with a little personalization.
The pallet table top has been yielded from the pallet slats packaged together very nicely. The unique touch has been awarded by installing steel bent legs under the table making it look more retro and vintage inspired in looks and appeal. A drawer has also been engineered in the table to let you u enjoy more storage options. Then the table has been stained in blackish shade to look extreme tempting and alluring.

Made by: MaPa Design